
Showing posts from January, 2021

How To Prepare A Corporate Tax Return

Every business has to deal with taxes at the year’s end. When it’s time to file for income tax returns, even for a small-scale business it is possible to do so in a variety of ways. Each business entity requires you to file for a different tax form. Therefore if you run a corporation then by now you must have filed for your tax return will depend on your corporate share of taxes.  Now, you need to prepare for an annual corporate tax return according to your business structure, how you choose to pay yourself and your employees. In some cases, you may still need to submit a personal tax.  Steps to Follow Tax Return in 2020 According to the nature of the corporation, you run, special deductions can be made too. So before you start making the decisions and prepare the taxes, you need to remember the following steps.  1. S Corp vs C Corp Once a corporation is established, the business is treated as a C corporation. This is vital for federal income tax purposes.  A tradit...